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現在地 トップページ > 国際交流センター > オースティン?ピー州立大学広野教授が来学されました



印刷用ページを表示する 2022年6月20日更新




 Dr. Hirono from Austin Peay State University in the United States of America, with which PUH has the academic and educational exchange agreement, visited Hiroshima in June, 2022.

 Dr. Hirono specialises in social work. He participated in some classes taught by Associate Professor Oshita of the Department of Health and Welfare in the Faculty of Health and Welfare at PUH, and presented the results of his research. As well, APSU and PUH were connected online to exchange of views between Japanese and American students, which was a possible even under the Covid-19 circumstances.

 In addition, Dr. Hirono participated in a lunch meeting with students who will be studying in the USA this year, the students were given advice on what to keep in mind when living in the USA. As well, he visited our president, Dr. Morinaga, and it was confirmed that exchanges between both universities will continue to be active in the future.

広野先生 三原C 広野先生 広島C

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